If you’re planning to decide your blog to make money and your blog becomes small business for you. Learn to make money online blogging. Select the topic based on your interest and register the domain and host it with the best web hosting service provider. Now you have a blog for making money to make money with your blog you need to write good blogs and post in periodical time. You should do the regular blog posting on the trending topics. Get traffic to your blog using social media’s. You need to do SEO for your page and make it rank on the top of SERP. SEO makes more traffic to your blogs. Working with advertising networks isn’t your only option when it comes to selling ads.
When you reach enough traffic, advertiser will directly contact you and ask you to place their advertisements in your page. You can fix the own ad rates. You can fix the charge for the advertisement it may be a fee for a link with in a post or you may charge monthly for the banners. The other way you can earn money through blog is Google Adsense and it is not the easy way to get approval as you think. You need to follow steps which I have listed below to get money through blogging.
- Domain Registration.
- Domain Hosting.
- Word pressinstallation & Configuration.
- Plug-in installation & configuration.
- Google Analytics integration.
- Google Webmaster Tools Integration.
- Pages & post
- Basic SEO.
Domain name is used as your website name which helps you to identify your business Ip address. You need to select the domain name based on the availability which matches your business. You need to choose the best Hosting service provider who provides 24 hours service to your business. Select the domain name which is easy to remember. When you are done with your hosting you need to install your WordPress which helps you to post content and media to your website. Domain hosting service provider provides you the CPanel access through which you have the full control over the website. After installing WordPress, you need to install the themes which are needed for your blog. The main aim of the blog is to rank the website through the blog. Some plugins help you in On-page optimization they are Yoast SEO and All in one SEO plugin. Yoast SEO is best when compared to All in one SEO. Do both On page and Off page SEO for your website.